رسم منحنی گشتاور سرعت ماشین القایی
به نحوه نگارتش برنامه توجه کافی داشته باشید
حاوی نکات مهم برنامه نویسی پیشرفته متلب
% M-file: torque_speed_curve.m% M-file create a plot of the torque-speed curve of the
% induction motor of Example 7-5.
% First, initialize the values needed in this program.
r1 = 0.641; % Stator resistance
x1 = 1.106; % Stator reactance
r2 = 0.332; % Rotor resistance
x2 = 0.464; % Rotor reactance
xm = 26.3; % Magnetization branch reactance
v_phase = 460 / sqrt(3); % Phase voltage
n_sync = 1800; % Synchronous speed (r/min)
w_sync = 188.5; % Synchronous speed (rad/s)
% Calculate the Thevenin voltage and impedance from Equations
% 7-41a and 7-43.
v_th = v_phase * ( xm / sqrt(r1^2 + (x1 + xm)^2) );
z_th = ((j*xm) * (r1 + j*x1)) / (r1 + j*(x1 + xm));
r_th = real(z_th);
x_th = imag(z_th);
% Now calculate the torque-speed characteristic for many
% slips between 0 and 1. Note that the first slip value
% is set to 0.001 instead of exactly 0 to avoid divide-
% by-zero problems.
s = (0:1:50) / 50; % Slip
s(1) = 0.001;
nm = (1 - s) * n_sync; % Mechanical speed
% Calculate torque for original rotor resistance
for ii = 1:51
t_ind1(ii) =(3 * v_th^2 * r2)./((w_sync.*s(ii).*((r_th+(r2./s(ii)).^2 + (x_th+x2)^2));
% Calculate torque for doubled rotor resistance
% Plot the torque-speed curve
hold on;
title ('Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristic','Fontweight','Bold');
legend ('Original R_{2}','Doubled R_{2}');
grid on;
hold off;